The Avangers
This family friendly movie revolves around earths local heros vs the the age of technology turned bad
Main Actors: Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth
Show Times:19h00PG:16

The god of thunder is on a mission to find his mischivious brother Loki as his framed in his own town of Asgard.
Main Actors: Chris Hemsworth, Tom hiddleston, Antony Hopkins
Show Times:15h00PG:16

A race car is lost after is seprates from his trailer. On the hunt for it he lands him self in trouble.
Main Actors: Owen Wilson, Paul Newman, Bonnie Hunt, Larry the Cabel Guy
Show Times:19h30PG:12

After finding out he could be the last male of his kind Blue is taken to Rio to mate but things taken a turn.
Main Actors: Jesse Eisonburg, Anna Hathaway, Jemaine Clement
Show Times:18h00PG:12

The NuN
A horror flim based in Transylvania.
Main Actors: Demian Bichir's, Taissa Farmiga, Jonas Bloquet
Show Times:22h00PG:18

Lights Out
A true horror movie based of an old friend whos left in the dark.
Main Actors: Teresa Palmer, Gabriel Bateman, Billy Burke
Show Times:21h00PG:18